Confessions of a Hoarder


It's true. I. Am. A. Hoarder.

But not like the kind you see on TLC. I am a good ideas, cute pictures, recipes and things I want to do hoarder. This has been manifested in my collection of magazines shoved in a cabinet, the numerous list of favorites I have in my explorer bar, and the millions (really, I mean it probably IS millions) of sticky notes and lists I have written in my lifetime about things I need to do, things I want to do, things I want to buy, goals, etc.  I just would hate to lose any of those good things!

The Internet Gods have answered my prayers and now there is Pintrest. Most of you probably dont know what Pintrest is, but it is a sort of digital hoarding. It is a website where you can create your own boards and "pin" or tag items of interest to it from websites or other peoples "pins." These boards then have a collection of pictures that link to websites or photographs. They serve as bookmarks and reminders for the things you want to keep, but all digitally (and best of all, they take up no physical space in your home, like stacks of magazines or recipe books)!

So if you are a pintrest member, you have probably "unfollowed" me by now due to my excessive pinning, but if not, you should join pintrest (or follow me here) so that you can post great things too and so I am not the only one wasting my time (I mean, I really do stay up late doing this, its ruining my beauty sleep).